for the vietnamese people party câu
vietnamese people
Beer drinking has been a culture of the Vietnamese people.Uống bia rượu đã trở thành văn hóa của người Việt. Vietnamese people protect...

people's party
1 seat for the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP/PDC),1 ghế của Đảng Nhân dân Dân chủ Cơ Đốc giáo (CVP/PDC), 1996–99 Leni Fisch...

people of vietnamese descent
He said there are about 2,000 people of Vietnamese descent living in the area and about half of those are Buddhist, so the demand exist...

vietnamese boat people
Image of Vietnamese boat people.Nguồn Facebook Thuyền Nhân Việt Nam- Vietnamese Boat People Image of Vietnamese boat people.Nguồn Faceb...

vietnamese people in france
After the reunification of Vietnam was complete, the overseas Vietnamese movement in France was gathered under a common “roof”, officia...

vietnamese people in hong kong
Because of the Vietnamese people in Hong Kong, the sending of gifts, trading business, sample goods, letters from Hong Kong to Vietnam ...

vietnamese people in japan
It was held by the football association of Vietnamese people in Japan (FAVIJA) under the sponsorship of the Vietnamese embassy in the c...

vietnamese people in russia
Vietnamese people in Russia form the 72nd-largest ethnic minority community in Russia according to the 2002 census.Người Việt Nam ở Nga...

vietnamese people in the czech republic
The number of Vietnamese people in the Czech Republic was estimated at 61,012 at the 2009 census,[63] although more recent figures have...

vietnamese people with disabilities
Vietnamese people with disabilities are three times more likely to be unemployed than people without a disability in Vietnam (UNFPA, 20...

austrian people's party
Sebastian Kurz, leader of the Austrian People's Party.Ông Sebastian Kurz, lãnh đạo đảng Nhân dân. Sebastian Kurz, the leader of the Au...

cambodian people's party
Cambodian People's Party,mới là Đảng Nhân Dân Cambodia (Cambodian People's Party, The incumbent prime minister, since 1985, is Hun Sen...

cambodian people’s party
Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party occupies all 125 seats in the National Assembly.Đảng của ông Hun Sen giành tất cả 125 ghế trong quốc...

inner mongolian people's party
The flag and coat of arms of the Buryat Republic as well as the flag of the Agin-Buryat Okrug in Russia, and that of the Inner Mongolia...

lao people's revolutionary party
Lao People's Revolutionary Party is the only legal political party.Đảng Cách Mạng Nhân Dân Lào là chính đảng duy nhất. The only legal ...

lao people’s revolutionary party
The only legal party in Laos is the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.Đảng chính trị duy nhất ở Lào là Đảng Nhân dân Cách mạng Lào. The...

mongolian people's party
Consequently, the group was renamed the Mongolian People's Party on June 25, 1920, and lots were drawn to see who would travel to Russi...

people's action party
In 1954 he founded the People's Action Party (PAP).Năm 1954, ông thành lập đảng Hành động nhân dân (PAP). The People's Action Party ha...

people's national party
People's National Party (Vùng Đất Khắc NghiệtNo Man's Land ( The politics of Jamaica are between the People's National Party and the J...

people's power party (thailand)
The People's Power Party (Thailand), led by Samak Sundaravej, formed a government with five smaller parties.Các Đảng Sức mạnh nhân dân ...

people's progressive party
In 1992, the first "free and fair" elections were overseen by former United States President Jimmy Carter, and the People's Progressive...

people’s power party
The People’s Power Party (Thailand), led by Samak Sundaravej formed a government with five smaller parties.Các Đảng Sức mạnh nhân dân (...

progressive party of working people
Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL)Đảng Tiến bộ của Nhân dân lao động Síp (AKEL) 28 February 2008 28 February 2013 Progressive ...